Prices in Rome - Daily costs to visit Rome
Prices in Rome

Although Rome isn’t as expensive as London, Amsterdam or Edinburgh, it isn't a cheap city either. Find out how to save as much as possible while visiting Rome. 

Examples of daily costs: 

The following list shows the prices of a few products and services so that you can get an idea of the prices in Rome and can plan accordingly. 

Food and drink

  • Coffee: 1 (US$ 1.10) at the bar, or 3 (US$ 3.20) if you have it on a terrace
  • Beer: 2 (US$ 2.10)- 4 (US$ 4.30), depending on the area
  • Panini: 3 (US$ 3.20)- 4 (US$ 4.30)
  • Slice of pizza: between 2 (US$ 2.10) and 4 (US$ 4.30)


  • One-way ticket (valid for 75 minutes): 1.50 (US$ 1.60)
  • Day pass, valid for a whole day: 7 (US$ 7.50)
  • Taxi ride from Termini station to any neighborhood of the city: between 10 (US$ 10.70) and 20 (US$ 21.30)
  • Taxi from Fiumicino Airport: 48 (US$ 51.10)


Admission tickets